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Avian Research

Other important links.
Center for Avian Biology, University of California Davis...
Comprehensive web site providing information on avian research, researchers, education, events, and activities at UC Davis and on the West Coast... 22 pages found, 70 links found, 637 score

Dr. Robert Cook...
Welcome to Dr. Robert Cook's Home Page Examining the bird's eye view of the world RCOOK1@EMERALD.TUFTS.EDU Tufts University Department of Psychology Research Building 530 Boston Ave Medford, MA 02155... 73 pages found, 24 links found, 975 score

HARI Institute ...
Hagen Avian Research Institute ... 0 pages found, 0 links found, 0 score ...
Avian Health Network, Inc. (AHN), a nationwide non-profit charitable organization based in Reston, VA, is pleased to announce the launch of the "2003 Stop PDD" fundraising campaign in September, 2002.... 0 pages found, 0 links found, 0 score

The California Parrot Project ...
Researching Parrots in the Wilds of California's Suburban Jungles. Determine the geographical distribution of parrots in California. Determine the ecological parameters associated with successful colo... 25 pages found, 50 links found, 3152 score

The Grey PoopOn Challenge...
This page tells about The Grey PoopOn Challenge and why you should get involved in it. PDD strikes over 50 species of parrots and is ultimately fatal. The scary part is...the next one could be YOURS... 32 pages found, 165 links found, 2854 score

UGA Department of Avian Medicine home page...
What's New Online Documents Contact Web Master ... 39 pages found, 14 links found, 624 score

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