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Bird Sexing-Labs

Other important links.
AMR Labs - Specializing in avian sexing, equine DNA, and various other gene...
Veterinary testing, Avian sexing, Contract research, HYPP, Avian Polyoma Virus, Chlamydia-psittaci , Psittacosis, Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease, PBFD, DNA bank, Disease Testing, Veterinary Labo... 21 pages found, 1 links found, 297 score

Avian Biotech International...
DNA sexing, fingerprinting, and disease testing for emus, parrots and other exotic species of birds.... 200 pages found, 222 links found, 1958 score

Avian Biotech International (Europe)....
is dedicated to providing bird owners and breeders like you with the most accurate testing available with guaranteed results and affordable prices.  We set the standard for excellence in avian DNA-bas... 46 pages found, 0 links found, 615 score

California Avian Laboratory...
Diagnostic & Consultative Services for Avian & Exotic Veterinarians... 0 pages found, 0 links found, 0 score

DNA Feather Sexing by Gene Science- Avian DNA feather sexing...
No technique is safer and easier than DNA feather sexing. Try feather sexing once and you'll never risk your birds to another method again.... 82 pages found, 58 links found, 1132 score

National Veterinary Diagnostic Services...
National Veterinary Diagnostic Services A Full Service Diagnostic Laboratory 23361 El Toro Road, Suite 218 Lake Forest, CA 92630-6921 (714) 859-3648 ~ Fax: (714) 859-6537 E-Mail: 13 pages found, 0 links found, 195 score

Research Associates Laboratory...
As the oldest, most experienced laboratory offering molecular based diagnostics, you can be assured that RAL's test results are the most timely and accurate in the industry today.... 0 pages found, 0 links found, 0 score

University Diagnostics Ltd...
The No1 Choice for DNA Services in the UK and Europe University Diagnostics Ltd (UDL) is pioneering a comprehensive range of genetic services to the human, animal and forensic sectors.... 34 pages found, 10 links found, 880 score

The Will-Tell Lab web site, which handles avian DNA sexing, bird sexing, hematology testing, bacteriology testing, parasitology testing, necropsy, and will soon offer parrot artificial insemination... 6 pages found, 0 links found, 1834 score

Zoogen Bird Sexing Services ...
In 1990 Zoogen invented the first and most reliable DNA-based gender identification test, Sex Made Easy. After 12 years we are still the most trusted source for bird sexing. ... 11 pages found, 1 links found, 1740 score

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