Massachusetts Cage Bird Club
About Us
The Massachusetts Cage Bird Club (MCBA) was organized for the purpose
of promoting the proper care, handling, maintenance, advancement and
breeding of cage birds and the dissemination of any and all useful and
helpful information pertaining thereto. It shall be the object of
MCBA to promote the welfare of its members and bind together affiliation
through fellowship. The association supports conservation efforts to
conserve our natural resources and will encourage this by providing information
and education to those interested in breeding and raising endangered
species. Affiliates are: AFA, NCS, NFSS, IPS, NGC, ALBS, SPBE.
The MCBA meets on the third Sunday each month at the Cochesett United
Methodist Church Hall in W. Bridgewater, MA. Social hour starts at 1
PM. Business meeting starts at 2 PM. Hall is located at the
junction of Rts.24 and 106. Take the East bound exit (16A) from Rt. 24 and
find the hall across from the Shell Gas Station. Plenty of free parking.
More Info
Pres: Janice Delgado - (508)
Editor: Candy Rocha